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Orpheus Turns

Created by Joanna Pidcock, James Christensen, Adelaide Greig, Emily Kruse, Martin Hoggart, Lily Nalder, Ella DuVé and Tatiana Kotsimbos

Directed by Joanna Pidcock and James Christensen

Performed as part of the Melbourne Fringe Festival in 2017, this immersive and site-specific promenade performance invited audience members to walk with the mythic figure of Orpheus through the underworld, in his grief-stricken search for his lost love Eurydice.


Devised collaboratively by the cast and directors, and featuring original music and video projections by James Gales and Declan Mulcahy, Orpheus Turns crafted a series of dream-like, gothic vignettes, each of them reimagining a figure from Greek mythology.


With its circular form and reiterative structure, the piece ultimately became a quietly aching meditation on the cyclical nature of loss and memory, drawing out a cruel tension at the heart of the grieving process: a conflict between moving forward and looking back.

Orpheus Turns was presented as part of the Melbourne Fringe Festival in 2017.


It was performed in the alcoves of North Melbourne's Meat Market.

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